LIFE IN BETWEEN June 8, 2018 My journey of acceptance and self-love Childhood experiences are hard to erase. It’s a daily practice and it takes conscious effort, but doing it brings us a step closer to loving who we truly are. READ MORE
WORK May 18, 2018 The fears of a small business owner Hello fear! The most common feeling in business owners. Today putting out there the most common fears I have been experiencing as a small business owner. READ MORE
WORK April 20, 2018 The real story behind how I got started In the midst of every crisis there is an opportunity. And here is how mine was revealed. The real story behind how I got started . READ MORE
TRAVELLING April 6, 2018 Into the Kenyan Wilderness An unforgettable journey to the wilderness of the Kenyan dessert READ MORE
LIFE IN BETWEEN March 29, 2018 My first winter in Paros A small journey on the winter side of Paros, through my eyes. READ MORE