What I have learnt in my 34 years
This week I turned 34. And without a reason, not that I am older and wiser, I decided to write a rulebook of what I have learnt so far!
1. The leftover fear of “what if” should always be bigger than the fear of failure. Go out there and try new things even if it scares you half to death.
2. Boundaries are important. Establish better boundaries, preserve your heart and know when you need to step away.
3. Celebrate other people as they go after what makes them feel alive. No room for jealousy at this point.
4. Allow someone to teach you instead of being a know-it-all. Stay humble in learning.
5. Keep weekly dates with the people you’re invested in.
6. Never follow anyone else’s path, unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path and by all means, you should follow that. Rule stolen from Ellen Degeneres!
7. Spend Time with your family
8. When you feel something, don’t keep it bottled up inside of you. Talk to someone you trust. Air it out. Don’t let your feelings eat you from the inside out.
9. Eat that slice of cake, burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie, don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
10. Be a giver without expecting anything back
11. Forgive the version of you who didn’t know better. Forgive that girl and love her, she was doing the best she could.
12. Never ever be influenced by others opinions of what is right or wrong. Remember that each person’s life experiences are projected in their advice. You are the only one who knows your life story and you should only follow your instinct when in doubt.
13. Remove any expectations that you have of other people as they are often not realistic. Don’t be consumed by how a person does or does not treat you.
14. Don’t worry about the things that haven’t happened. Wait for each moment to have it’s own birthday and deal with it then.
15. You will be surprised by how many people out there will show up to support your efforts, dream and cheer you on, when you show them your real self. Untouched and unfiltered. The vulnerable, imperfect and human self.
16. The fullest moments of your life will never be documented or captured for the world to clap at or approve of them. Make room for the full moments that only happen when you are shut off and tucked away.
17. Love. With all your heart and all your being. You will never regret giving love.