LIFE IN BETWEEN Nov. 24, 2017 What I have learnt in my 34 years Not that I am older and wiser, but I decided to write a rulebook of what I have learnt so far! READ MORE
LIFE IN BETWEEN Nov. 17, 2017 My Home away from Home How I decided to make a home in the Cyclades READ MORE
LIFE IN BETWEEN Sept. 29, 2017 How to get your life back after the end of Wedding Season My thoughts on getting back your normal life after the end of Wedding Season READ MORE
LIFE IN BETWEEN Aug. 25, 2017 The sneaky things I do on weddings My wedding day habits, from the perspective of a wedding planner! READ MORE
LIFE IN BETWEEN June 15, 2017 Your Most Honest Work What direction do I take to be successful? What kind of creative am I? What style should I adopt to attract more clients? READ MORE