Your Most Honest Work
What direction do I take to be successful?
What kind of creative am I?
What style should I adopt to attract more clients?
These are questions that I have heard and I have also asked myself in the past. When I first started as a wedding planner, I used to spend endless hours looking through magazines, blogs, Facebook, Pinterest, etc to find my path. Was I a modern wedding planner? A classic one? What was my style or better yet, what was the style that was going to make me successful in the industry?
Did I find my path to success, this way? The answer is no.
Not long after I realized this was not taking me anywhere productive, I took a step back and intentionally put some distance between myself and what everyone else was doing and started focusing on what inspires me.
What was my vision and direction? What was it that I, Vana, wanted to create?
I can’t say the process of answering these questions was easy. You really need to dig deep to find the answers to these questions but once you do, you will realize that you have just discovered who you really are, what drives you, what defines you and your work.
And now, all you need to do is put this into practice and start the creative process. If you are true to yourself you can’t go wrong.
Try to silence the noise of what everyone else around you is doing, and do what naturally comes out of you. Don’t waste your time being someone else’s shadow. Let your own heart, vision and creativity guide you. This will be your most honest work.